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Sunday, March 9, 2025

The balanced Stand Alone Position

  1. Place the shaft of the putter on the large center arrow (which is located on the cross bar) so that it is balanced and will stand alone.  The following key points will help in achieving the optimal stand-alone position (or balance position).
  2. The head of the putter should be perpendicular to the cross bar so that the face of the putter is not open or closed in relation to the putting plane cross bar and target line.
    1. For a right handed player. If the putter face is closed (rotate the face counterclockwise) the ball will travel left of the target line and putting plane.  If the putter face is open (rotate clockwise) the ball will travel right of the target line.
    2.  A neutral position of the putter face is key to starting the ball on the desired path.  Even with proper usage of the putter plane, an open or closed putter face will result in a ball rolling right or left of the target line.
  3. Since each putter has its unique lie angle. The lie angle is the angle of the shaft coming out of the putter head in relationship to the sole or bottom of the putter head.  Be sure that the sole of the putter has maximum contact with the putting surface or is lying flush to the putting surface.

Calibrating Putter Loft

Putters can have different lofts, just like any other golf club.  Your putter will need to be calibrated to the Putter Plane so that your hands can be placed in a repeatable position to insure that the ball is struck with a flat putter surface.  A flat putter face has zero loft and is also square to the target line.  Placing your putter in a consistent position (calibrated position) will help you develop a more standardized pre-shot routine that can be transfer to the golf course.  Once you have mastered striking the ball with a flat putter face surface, your ball will have a greater opportunity to roll consistently down your target line.

  1.  Stand across from Putter Plane so you are looking at it from the opposite side.  Place the loft –calibrating block so that the face of the block is flush with the bottom of the face of the putter in the stand-alone balanced position.  If your putter has loft you will see a space between the top of the face of the putter and the top of the block.
  2. Holding the calibrating block with your right hand, gently slide the shaft of the putter with your left hand to the right along the crossbar until the entire putter face is flush with the loft-calibrating block.  Note the position of the shaft on the crossbar calibration marks.  This shaft position will be different for each putter unique specification but will always be the same for your putter.
  3. The final step of the calibration is to make sure that the calibration block is parallel to the crossbar so the putter face has not open or closed during the loft calibration process.



  1. Objective of measurement
    -takes personality and judgment out
  2. Wholistic approach
    - can’t see what you don’t check
    - gives you a guide to follow
  3. Time efficiency
    - quick, easy, and accurate


- Observation – look at putting stroke

- Questioning – history and putting patterns

- Special tests – video, gadgets

- Referral if needed – equipment fitting

- Experiment – adjustment in technique

- Report of findings – explain to student

- Prescription – take home practice drills


- Physical examination – evaluate the student

- Differential diagnosis – possible causes

- Treatment plan development – attack plan

- Report of findings – explain to student

- Prescription – take home plan






- There are six factors involved in a solid putting game: Basic instruction, Shot making skills, Physical conditioning, Equipment fitting, Green reading, and Mental conditioning.

- By screening one’s strengths and weaknesses, and designing a customized putting program, you can dramatically improve a golfer’s putting performance.



- Proper biomechanics

- Physical performance factors

- How the body effects performance

- Beginning golf anatomy

- How to screen for physical limitations

- Exercises to correct dysfunction



- Look for different spinal curvatures

a. N-Spine  - Neutral

b. C-Spine  - C-Shaped

c. S-Spine – S-Shaped

- Arms hanging under shoulders

- Width of stance

- Ball position

a. distance from left foot

b. distance from body

- Eye position



• This aid calibrates the putter to obtain the balance point position from club head to shaft relationship

• This aid calibrates the putter to obtain the center position from toe to heel.

• This aid calibrates the putter to obtain the zero loft position of the clubface.

• This aid calibrates the putter to obtain the putter shaft lie angle.

• This aid calibrates the putter to obtain the correct putter plane angle.

• This aid calibrates the putter to obtain the correct putter plane stroke.

• The calibration builds and maintains a consistent ball position and set-up positions.

• The calibration builds a solid posture.

• The putter aid maintains a consistent ball position in relationship to your left eye socket.  The ball is located below and across from the left eye socket for a right hand player.

• This aid will allow the ball to roll down the target line with no side spine IF – the shafts remains on the crossbar and the clubface remains square to the target line at impact with the golf ball.

• The calibrating allows a player to set-up the same uniformed way (consistently)

• This teaching aid can be used by junior golfers to adult golfers.

• This teaching aid can be used by males or females.

• This teaching aid can be used by right handed players or left handed players.

• This teaching aid can be used by novice or professional level golfers.

• Can be used indoors

• Can be used outdoors

• You can break it down and travel with it

• Can be used year round



• Calibrates the balance points

• Keeps the club face square

• Keeps the putter shaft on plane



To create and effective set-up position to create dynamic balance in the putting stroke.  Have a repeatable stroke that will roll the ball down the players intended target line.  When the ball is rolling on the target line it should have no side spine if the clubface strikes the ball squarely.  Calibrating the clubface  and shaft will square the clubface allowing the ball to roll true and roll consistently down the intended target line.  This will aid in lower putting averages if the ball starts on your intended line. More putts will have the chance to roll in the cup, if it is rolling with the correct speed and on the intended target line.



- The ball starts off line because of the shaft angle during the putting stroke is off plane.

- The ball rolls off line due to the clubface not being square at impact with the golf ball.

- Miss aligned putts.  The player aligns his body or set-up incorrectly

- The putter is not in the same position in relationship to the –

a. target line

b. feet

c. shoulders

d. hands

e. eyes

- Putter blade is not sitting flush on the putting surface

- Consistency is not achieved in the set-up position 

- Poor green reading

- Mental breakdown (lack of commitment)



1. When you first start using the putter plane, set up the putter plane for a straight and level putt. The distance is not a factor yet.  You can use this aid indoors or outdoors.

2. Calibrate your putter

a. stand alone position (unique balance position)

b. putter face square

c. putter face perpendicular to target line, with correct shaft lie angle

d. putter face with zero loft

3. Set-up position – position your feet shoulders, hands eyes (POSTURE)

a. the ball should be in-line with the left eye and the ball should be underneath the eyes for the right hand player

b. your body weight should favor the left leg for the right hand player (60% on the left leg – 40% on the right leg)

4. “The Stroke” – the length of your stroke should be determined by how far you need to roll the ball.  The back swing motion should be slightly shorter than the follow through motion.  The stroke should have the correct acceleration through impact to roll the ball the desire distance needed.

5. Look at your reflection in a mirror for your calibrated set-up position – Your arms and shaft angle should resemble a lower case y (  ) to a capital Y (  ) position.  Which y position you will have will depend on the calibration of your unique putter. In the set-up position you should not see is a reverse lower case y   (  ).  If  this is your current position, your club head is meeting the ball before your hands are above or beyond the ball at impact.  Which in turn is adding loft to the putter and making the ball bounce uncontrollably off line when the ball leaves the putter face.  Watch your stroke in a mirror to make sure your hands and arms are leading the club head. Use the back of  your 2 by 4 block to see your calibrated set-up and impact positions.    Make sure you hands are above or beyond the back of the 2 by 4 (which is simulating the ball at impact.)

6. As you make your stroke, the shaft needs to stay on the putter plane (crossbar).  The putter plane should be parallel to your target line, and the shaft of your putter should lean slightly to the left of the ball at impact.

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